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Now that I'm pregnant

This amazing e-book written by Mrs. Damilola Akinyele-Dosunmu is a comprehensive guide on pregnancy to mothering.

The chapters include topics such as;

- Motherhood/Mothering

- Pregnancy/Conception

- Discomforts in Pregnancy

- Nutrition in Pregnancy 

- Sex Positions in Pregnancy 

- Exercises in Pregnancy 

- Fluids intake in pregnancy

- Drugs intake in pregnancy 

- Danger signs in pregnancy 

- Pregnancy Myths 

- Pregnancy quotes 

- Anthenatal List

- What expectant mothers need to do 

- What expectant mothers shouldn't do 

- What expectant mothers need to know 

- Estimated Due Date - Preparation for delivery 

- Labour Signs 

- Inducing Labour Naturally 

- Prayers for safe delivery


• Where There Is No Doctor by David Werner (Revised edition)

• www.babycenter.com

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